Facing the Climate Crisis, Part 2, or “What is California doing?”

California news cycles balloon seasonally with natural disasters that burn towns to the ground and bury our communities in mud. Sea level rise is happening as I type, and it’s not magically going away. Storms and accompanying surges continue to worsen, threatening coastal towns and cities. How do we save them? Droughts starve our crops […]

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Greta Thunberg speaking in Davos in November 2018. (Credit: World Economic Forum / Mattias Nutt)

Facing the Climate Crisis Part 1 (of 3), or “Greta Thunberg, This Decade is for you!”

In December of 2018 a 15 year old autistic teenager from Sweden, Greta Thunberg, stood on stage and schooled me about the climate crisis. She educated my generation. She scolded world leaders. She challenged the planet. I could see in her face and hear in her words that being on stage, speaking to the TEDx-Stockholm […]

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Sea Level Rise: The Climate Crisis on Your Doorstep

Do you live in California? If yes, then I am betting you live somewhere in the west. And if you are in one of our largest cities, you are very likely facing one of the biggest threats to your life as you know it: sea level rise. There is a new study out, and it […]

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Time to move over, America

“America isn’t the greatest country in the world,” begins Jeff Bridges during the opening segment of the TV series The Newsroom. We, the audience, are then schooled on exactly how America isn’t the greatest country in the world. It’s an inspiring rant that gives voice to something deep: the idea that ‘We used to be…’ […]

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